Monday, March 9, 2009

Tank cosy anyone?

Just had to mention GlittyKnittyKitty aka guerilla knitting central which is a truly fantastic repository of all sorts of knittedness. Check out the pink tank cosy and a heap of really rather lovely projects for those who want something a little more manageable. Not sure where the kittens come into it but then who cares...


My first non scarf project! A very surprising success of which I am inordinately proud. It fits the small pretty well and somehow makes him look even more hobbity than usual. The major news this week is that I managed to walk-run 6k on Saturday, don't think I could have done it without the incentive of a proper egg and bacon breakfast as a reward afterwards. Yes indeedy my very own personal shopper has managed to find bacon - none of yr dappy pancetta nonsense for us - we have good old fashioned streaky!